Thursday, January 31, 2008

poetry slam

i found this on a friend's myspace. i was initially offended by it, i wasn't sure if someone was trying to take advantage of the person's handicap. but i watched it more and really listened to what was being said. as the poem was being spoken i really began to think about who was leading and who was following. the first speaker seemed to be the one that was leading at first, because she always says the line first. but as the poem progressed i became interested in how the first speaker would say a line and what it meant in reference to the second speaker. even after viewing this video a few times, i still don't know how serious it is, mainly only because of the "ad" that is at the end of the video. whether or not it is a spoof, i still found it interesting in reference to this weeks readings. but more on that later!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

first post

as an introduction i figured i would just get this first post done and over with. the first post is always the most difficult for me. i am going to use this blog primarily for my "21st century identity politics in contemporary art" class. my hopes and dreams for this blog are to reflect on readings, class, other blogs i read, and life. hopefully, i can continue with this even after class is over....
currently for class i am reading critical terms for art history, the section about identity. the other readings for class this week include the introduction to postethnic america by david hollinger and "performative acts and gender constitution" by judith butler. and that is all the explaining i will do now, check back later for the reflection part.