Thursday, July 30, 2009

opening at woman made gallery

i am pleased to announce that i am a part of this years Her Mark 2010 publication and exhibition. the opening is this friday from 6-9. hope to see you there! below is more information from the gallery!

Her Mark 2010
Woman Made Gallery is proud to present Her Mark 2010, a publication with art and poetry by 48 women. Juror Maria Elena Buszek made the art selections, and Maureen Seaton juried the poetry entries. Designed by Karin Kuzniar and edited by Marty Bash, Her Mark 2010 includes a layout with color reproductions, poetry, and weekly calendar pages with holidays and moon cycles.
In addition to the publication, WMG hosts an exhibition featuring most of the Her Mark 2010 artworks. The Artist Reception is on July 31st from 6 to 9 p.m. The Release Party and Reading is on August 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. Her Mark 2010 copies are available at the Artist Reception and Release Party or may be ordered for $15 per copy plus shipping. Please contact WMG by phone, 312-738-0400, or by email,
Visual Artists who have their work in Her Mark 2010: Grazyna Adamska-Jarecka, Adriana Baltazar, Barbara Ciurej and Lindsay Lochman, Crisanta de Guzman, Kathleen Elliot, Rebecca Rose Greene, Judithe Hernández, Anjani Khanna, Margaret LeJeune, Aliza Lelah, Suyeon Na, Bonnie Peterson, Shari Pettis, Tara Polansky, Melissa Shook, Alice Simpson, Sylvia Steen, Verna Todd, Kate True, Iris Vazquez, Amy Wainwright, Angilee Wilkerson, Beatrice Wolert, and Elizabeth Wuerffel.
Poets included in Her Mark 2010: Beverly Boyd, Rosemary Ann Davis, Kelley Evans, Veer-Tess Frost, Jane Ellen Glasser, Ona Gritz, H.K. Hummel, Kiki Vera Johnson, Laurie Junkins, Elizabeth Kerlikowske, Anna Leahy, Christine McKee, Coco Owen, Maureen Piggins, JC Reilly, Susan Richardson, cin salach, Mary Kolada Scott, Sheri Sorvillo, Judith Terzi, Judith Valente, Gale Renee Walden, Rachel Jamison Webster, and Andrena Zawinski.
Exhibition Dates: July 31 - August 27, 2009
Release Party: August 2, 2009 - 2-4 p.m.
Woman Made Gallery, 685 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL 60642

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

what would i say if....

....i found out i was wrong about climate change?

i don't know too many people who deny that climate change is happening. but i do know some who either don't care, or don't think it is happening very much. either way, these people are the ones who seem to question why we should put much effort into really changing our habits, social norms, and perhaps even our economic structure. the list below answers most of those questions. i quoted the list directly from no impact man. so pop on over there if you want to read some more of what i so generously quoted from!

I am glad we created 5 million or more new jobs here in the United States in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable generation.
I am glad we created a culture that relies less on foreign oil, so that our children can live secure lives, knowing that the energy rug can't be pulled out from under them.
I am glad we have found a way to save people and industry billions upon billions of dollars by making the use of energy more efficient.
I am glad the millions of children who suffer from asthma can now breathe easier thanks to the fact that we aren't pumping the air full of toxins from our exhaust pipes and smokestacks.
I am glad that, by no longer burning oil and coal into our air, we've put an end to acid rain and the devastation of our aquatic life.
I am glad that we created good, reliable, fun-to-use public transportation system so that families no longer have to raid their budgets to pay for cars and gas.
I am glad we've stopped building suburbs, which make people unhappy and [thanks to the happy suburbanites who wrote in] are designed for cars not people, and instead build villages where people can have strong community bonds that help make life fulfilling.
I am glad we now have fuel-efficient automobiles.
I am glad that we've learned as a culture to get off the work-more-to-spend-more treadmill which gobbles up resources and leaves us unfulfilled and instead turned to a way of live full of meaning and purpose.
I am glad we developed local, fresh food systems that care not just about filling bellies but what we put in those bellies.
I am glad that we have rejected the philosophies of survival of the fittest and competition for resources as driving philosophies and have instead embraced a philosophy of compassion and justice.
I am glad that we have understood that a sustainable society cannot work without supporting all of its people and that we looked for and found ways to improve the lives of everyone.
I'm glad that we've come to see people rather than things as our most valuable resource and that, in embracing the respectful and loving principles of not wasting, we have learned not to waste youth in prisons but instead to get them help for their drug addictions and alcoholism.
I am glad that, in realizing our resources are limited, we have come to use them to do what is important and to help each other rather than compete with each other.
I am glad that we have come to see education as the ultimate in sustainable industries.
I am glad that we have developed distributed, renewable energy technologies that allow kids in all parts of the world to have electric light so they can learn how to read.
The list goes on and on, but in short, I am glad that we have embraced the opportunities presented by the crisis of climate change in order to improve our society in ways we should have done anyway.
And now, to turn the question back on those who say that either there is no climate change or that it is not a serious problem:

What would they feel if we did nothing about climate change and they turned out to be wrong?

What would they feel if we buried our heads in the sand, ignored the problem, and then irreversibly damaged the planetary habitat that we depend upon for our health, happiness and security?

although some of my "green" habits are initially cumbersome, time consuming, or difficult to adjust to, i firmly believe they are beneficial to my well being and the planet's as well. i know that just one person doesn't make a huge difference but if enough individuals change than that really can make an impact.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

when i'm rich someday

love this house.

i will have a house built for me. it will ecofriendly (read- self sustaining, reusing materials, and have low energy needs). it will be modern. it will have a lot of land, light, and perhaps it will not be huge (because that is unnecessary). my dream house *sigh*

CSA dinner

i know i kind of left off with the CSA produce box update so this is going to be a little bit of an update plus what's cooking for dinner tonight.

this week, we got a pretty similar box to last week with only one new veggie (but it's one of my favorites!) so here we go:
new this week: 1 young sweet onion
bunch of turnips
bunch o beets
head of lettuce
we got some garlic, but i gave it to zach since he let me have his last week
2 yellow summer squash
giant zucchini
carrots (which chris was very happy about!)

i already cut up most of what i had except some of the leafies because of the delicious dish i am making tonight. i am roasting some lamb shoulder from mint creek farm, they are a local farm that has a booth at uncommon ground's farm fridays. along side the lamb is basically tons of roasted veggies: turnips, beets, onion, carrot, and kohlrabi. so we will see how this all turns out!

Monday, July 13, 2009


took this from my sister's blog. what a great little informative video!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

produce box 2

ok, so as far as i know, the produce box is going to be just for chris and i?!?! zach casually mentioned that late last week, but i really think i will be trying to pawn some of it onto him and allison. here is the round up from this week:

herbs: basil and parsley

bunch of beets
some turnips white/pink
a few radishes
bag o spinach
head of cabbage

green onions (that are significantly larger than last weeks!)
garlic scapes

one zucchini
one yellow squash
3 more heads of lettuce
bunch of kale
a little more swiss chard

one head of broccoli

and this is a pic of a radish from last week, i just thought it was so beautiful!