i have this serious love/hate relationship with deodorant/antiperspirant. i was antiperspirant free for 6-8 months, only using various "natural" deodorants and at last i went back to antiperspirant because i couldnt handle my smelliness. but as a fairly aware green/eco minded person, i feel like i am betraying my own body. america has quite an obsession with being smelly that many of the european countries dont abide by. we bathe very frequently and invest a lot of money into perfumed lotions, body sprays, deodorants, cologne and millions of other products. antiperspirant is a problem because one of the main ingredients that keeps us from sweating is aluminum. there have been studies done that show aluminum (even in low levels) to be a neurotoxin. even if you question the validity of the studies for whatever reason, does it make much sense to be constantly allowing a metal to be absorbed into your skin? so, after reading about how to make your own deodorant out of very common products, it looks like i will be getting off of antiperspirant once again. here is the link to how to make your own deodorant stick, and please, give me a little bit of leeway if i am slightly stinky, my body needs time to adjust back to being more natural again!