In the show Ultrabaroque, authors Elizabeth Armstrong and Victor Zamudio-Taylor, talk about a concept of ultrabaroque that is different than the baroque style that swept Europe. Ultrabaroque includes many different mediums and ideas; it is the ultimate postmodern idea. Ultrabaroque melds together ideas of Spanish baroque, Latin American culture, and native peoples history. Latin America has become the source point for what has become thought of as hybridity. Although the Spanish attempted to take over and create a second spain, instead there has been more of a negotiation and the people of latin America have been able to move fluidly between different types of culture. My teacher, Greg Foster-Rice, brought the idea of negotiation between a conquering group and the subordinate group to my attention. Foster-Rice learned of this idea from the well-known theorist Homi k. bhabha and his book, “the location of culture.” This idea of negotiation happens when a dominant culture actually compromises their ideas to make them more understandable and digestible to a subordinate culture. In this compromise, the ideas have actually been changed and both cultures are different because of it. In other words, even when a culture attempts to completely change another, it is not a one-way relationship and they both are different in the end.

José Antonio Hernández-Diez, "kant," 2000
And this leads me to the other article, “the case for contamination.” Appiah uses many terms that sound very aggressive and disease-like in this article. Contamination and infiltration of ideas and cultures. Appiah mainly argues for a cosmopolitan global view. Many critics have argued that (mainly) third world countries should not be allowed to become more westernized. This argument treats these third world countries as if they are too ignorant and backwards to be able to choose what is good or bad for themselves. Appiah argues that these “lower” cultures can be exposed to western culture and take what they need while also sorting out which traditions to keep or change.
I was not surprised to learn about appiah’s argument, it seems completely in line with white patriarchal society to assume that we can control what occurs in other societies. We should no longer assume that we know what is best for other countries, or that just because we do things a certain way that means it is the best way to do it.