this month is sexual assault awareness month. as a female, sexual assault is something that i am forced to constantly be aware of. music, movies, advertising, and the rest of pop culture all subtly or overtly constantly remind us women that we are not safe when we leave our home. most often this message is paired with the idea that rape is the woman's fault. men cannot control themselves and when women drink, dress certain ways, or walk down certain streets men are compelled to force themselves onto women. this false dichotomy is insulting to both men and women, through sex education and promoting conversation we can help break down the traditional rape culture.

sexual assault is a tough topic to talk about. but many people would be surprised to hear how prevalent it is. a few years ago, while at work i talked to some of the women that i work with. all but 1 or 2 out of a group 5 or 6 had been assaulted. women constantly face sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault, and for the most part it is frowned upon but not always punished. i think that our culture has a problem with sexual assault because we have a problem with communication. i am not trying to blame it only on men or women, but if we could each communicate and enforce boundaries and acceptable forms of interaction, whether it be in the workplace, with friends, or within our own personal relationships, then sexual assault would be less of a hidden cancer within our society.
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